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Rubus fruticosus x idaeus

Only 1 remaining

Tayberries are a fantastic fresh eating fruit that taste like cotton candy at peak ripeness and sour candies at partial ripeness. The berries are ready to pick from the end of July to August, and are too soft to be machine harvested for large scale farms. For this reason, to taste the incredible fruit you have to grow your own! 

Tayberries were bred in Tay River Valley, Scotland; and are a delicious cross between an ‘Aurora’ blackberry and hybrid raspberry. Their growth habit is similar to blackberries; with long vines that require trellis support. The large fruit (1.5” long berries) form on second-year vine growth. 

Note: These tayberries have been propagated by cutting and have very delicate roots. Use care when removing from pots to avoid damage!

Water Need to be well watered their first year while establishing but are quite drought tolerant once established. 

Prefers well draining soils with lots of organic soil amendments. Can tolerate a wide range of soils. 


Prefers full sun (over 8 hours a day). Can also be grown in partial shade but fruit production will be lower.

Form Long vines can reach 9 ft along a trellis.
Pollination Self-pollinating.
Thorns Yes.
Regular price $20.00
Regular price Sale price $20.00
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