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Rubus spectabilis

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A beautiful native shrub whose bright pink flowers announce the arrival of spring in the temperate rainforests. Ornamental blooms are a favourite of hummingbirds and bumblebees. In summer, flowers transform into tasty berries that are a special treat. Salmonberries are fantastic plants for erosion control, wildlife restoration, and understory plantings. 

Water Not drought tolerant.
Soil Prefers moist soils.
Light Part sun to shade. This native understory plant grows very well in dappled shade and on forest edges.
Form Grows up to 10 ft. tall by 10 ft. wide on average. Can be kept much more compact with pruning.
Pollination Self-pollinating but will produce more fruit if another Rubus (raspberry) variety is nearby.
Thorns Yes. Thorns are small and many parts of the plant are thornless.
Regular price $12.00
Regular price Sale price $12.00
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