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Lupin Rainbow Russell

Lupin Rainbow Russell

Lupinus ‘Russell Hybrids’

Only 3 remaining

An incredibly hardy perennial that comes in a wide range of colours varying from orange, blue, white, pink, coral, burgundy, purple, yellow, cream, and even some bi-colour combinations. Since these lupins are grown from seed, the colour of each plant remains a mystery until they bloom in late spring. At Nested, we grow these lupins in a mass planting and look forward to watching the rainbow meadow unfold!

Lupins are nitrogen fixing, providing adjacent plants with essential nutrients. However, they prefer not to be moved once planted as their long taproot is easily damaged by digging.

Water Drought tolerant once established.
Soil Prefers well draining soils, rich in organic content.
Light Prefers full sun to part shade.
Form Grows 3 ft tall by 3 ft. wide.
Regular price $7.00
Regular price Sale price $7.00
Sale Sold Out
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