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Narrowleaf Blue-Eyed Grass

Narrowleaf Blue-Eyed Grass

Sisyrinchium angustifolium

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A charming, long lived perennial whose periwinkle blue flowers open and close in response to sunlight. Narrowleaf blue-eyed grass is not truly a grass but rather a small iris. It blooms from mid spring to summer and attracts bees and butterflies.

Water Prefers consistently moist soils.
Soil Prefers moist soils but will tolerate well draining soils.
Light Full sun.
Form Grows 5-18 in. tall by 6-12 in. wide.
Regular price $7.00
Regular price Sale price $7.00
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Image by David J. Stang | CC BY-SA 4.0

Image by Gilles Ayotte | CC BY-SA 4.0