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Blackberry ‘Black Satin’

Blackberry ‘Black Satin’

Rubus fruticosus 'Black Satin'

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‘Black Satin’ blackberry is a very tasty thornless variety with incredibly high yields of sweet fruit. The firm berries keep very well in the fridge and have a flavour profile of honey. It is highly disease resistant making it an ease to care for. 

Water Prefers consistant moisture. 

Prefers well draining soils with lots of organic soil amendments. Can tolerate a wide range of soils.

Light Prefers full sun (over 8 hours a day). Can also be grown in partial shade but fruit production will be lower.
Form ‘Black Satin’ blackberry is a climbing vine that requires trellis support.
Pollination Self-pollinating but will produce more fruit with another blackberry nearby.
Thorns No. 
Regular price $20.00
Regular price Sale price $20.00
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